Soundtrack- making your iPod funny

For the show I saw tonight, they plucked out a member of the audience to find out their favorite music act, which happened to be Bjork. They worked the Icelandic diva into a bunch of sketches along with songs from other peoples' iPods. Thus, Stealers Wheel's "Stuck in the Middle With You" became a scene where a grieving son pitched a giant house-sized tent in the year in honor of his late dad, Fugee's "Killing Me Softly" became a scene for a confessional about anal intercourse, R.E.M.'s "Losing My Religion" turned into a mountain hike gone wrong where a group of friends weight the pro's and con's of cannibalism. And Bjork was to be wed, arriving through a veil of smoke on a giant crane (or maybe not existing at all). Elsewhere, they shot planets out of the sky, hosted an insane foreign exchange student, hunted down a spy and performed other leisurely activities.
All of which the group pulled out of their heads on the spot as the songs came on. Even when they didn't necessarily recontextualize the tunes, they still made you laugh over 'em and good entertainment is what comedy or music should be about, right?
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