SXSW panel- "Hip-Hop at the Crossroads: Growing Up or Getting Old?"

SXSW will be here before you know it (March 2011) to be exact.
I'm helping to put together a rap panel featuring such luminaries as Dream Hampton, Harry Allen, Kris Ex and Christopher R. Weingarten. Here's the premise:
Even as it has become a strong cultural presence, like any other music style now, hip hop finds itself at a crossroads of significance. It's has a long hard road to find acceptance but now that it's found it and attained respectability and top selling artists for a lengthy time, where does it go from here? Just as rock has been questioned as being alive still, now rap faces the same charge. How will rap remain vital?
Some of the things that would be discussed include:
What are the challenges that hip hop faces now and in the future?
Who will lead the charge for hip hop?
How does hip hop survive in a download age?
Does hip hop need to evolve to survive? If so, how?
What will be the cultural significance of hip hop in the future?
If you think that sounds interesting, please support this by voting for it at the SXSW site.
Thanks in advance!
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