Mighty Lester- which one's the bluesman?

Other than the fact that there's eight guys in the band, the rest of Lester's story is a bit of a mystery, maybe because they like their mystique or more likely because they haven't mastered the art of the press release yet. Either way, the group is more proof positive that like rock, the blues ain't quite dead yet. Singer/songwriter Todd Dewberry doesn't quite have a full-throated shout but is solid enough a vocalist to make you believe in his songs, which are helped out in no small part by a three-piece horn section and Lenny Terenzi's tasty guitar licks. With a CD out (their second album, titled We Are Might Lester to help with the name confusion) and a tour going on, it's a good time to discover this band.
Listen to a few of their tunes at their MySpace page or gorge on their whole album at their CD Baby site where you can also buy the record.
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