You gotta hand it to Madge. When she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, she decided that instead of performing herself, she would let fellow Midwest legends the Stooges do the honor. Pretty cool move, eh?
The Detroit Free Press has the scoop on how this came to be and how she intended it as a righteous protest about a band who also deserves to be inducted (if the Velvets are there, why not Iggy and the Ashetons?).
Though that performance isn't online yet (is it?), there's this
sound-free clip of a reception afterwards with Iggy, M and Justin Timberlake (who introduced her at the ceremony). If you missed the show last night on VH1, fear not- they're airing it again on March 22nd EST (check yr local listings of course...).
Oh that Jimmy's such a cut-up, ain't he?
....and here's the inevitable YouTube clip:
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