Harvey Danger- who's afraid of downloading?

The band themselves have this statement from their website, which nicely thumbs its nose at the tunnel-visioned RIAA:
"In preparing to self-release our new album, we thought long and hard about how best to use the internet. Given our unusual history, and a long-held sense that the practice now being demonized by the music biz as 'illegal' file sharing can be a friend to the independent musician, we have decided to embrace the indisputable fact of music in th21stst century, put our money where our mouth is, and make our record, Little By Little , available for download via Bittorrent, and at our website. We're not streaming, or offering 30-second song samples, or annoying you with digital rights management software; we're putting up the whole record, for free, forever. Full stop. Please help yourself; if you like it, please share with friends."
"Of course, the CD will also be for sale on the site, as well as in fine independent record stores across the country, in a deluxe package that includes a 30-minute bonus disc that serves as a companion piece to the record proper (retail price for the package 11.99)."
Needless to say, I downloaded the record but I'm also going to shell out the cash for the CD. Hope you can do the same.
(Thanks to Slashdot for the tip-off)
Rather cool place you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. BTW, try to add some pics :).
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