By now, you're probably sick of hearing how summer's along over. Well, it is, so get over it. Well, maybe it's not so bad since the heatwaves weren't fun but don't worry, global warming will shorten the winter, right?
If you're not in the mood to think about or worry about such heady things, you need some good entertaining distractions. Obviously, you're not going to find it on TV now much less in blockbuster movies that are bust so you might as well stick with some good, fun music. Manchester's
Polytechnic gives you just that- bright, breezy power pop.

If that's a little too lite for you, try
The Grates, an Aussie trio who mix in a little grrl attitude into their music- Patience Hodgson is a good belter indeed. Their first album,
Gravity Won't Get You High, is a nice rockin' little item and they've already been talked up by all the big print pubs so there's no need to resist their lure, right?
Stay cool for now...
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