Samim- world music techno via Switzerland

I'm a fan 'cause not only does he know how to program a good beat (which is the least you can expect from a DJ but also because his other sound sources are interesting too. From screaming whoops and swooshes ("PG23") to goofy death-metal whispering ("Ride My Cadillac") to spacy fusion keyboards ("Deep Meet"), this guy'll engage you one way or another. My favorite track of his isn't available on his MySpace page but through the good people at Beatport (which I just wrote about here). "Heater" is the number 1 and number 8 (remixed) song on their charts now and with good reason. Along with a bouncy beat, it's hooked on a breezy accordion that sounds both like Columbia cumbia music and also South African township jive music (the kind that got Paul Simon hooked to African music).
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