Among the many places where you can not only share (or show off) your favorite songs and actually have people listen to them is
Muxtape. You can browse through your MP3 collection and add 12 files/songs that are each less than 10MB and viola, instant digital mixtape of whatever you want now. I set one up here:
http://perfectsoundforever.muxtape.com/You can sign up for free and set up your own too. That is, until the site gets shut down... so enjoy it now.
Thanks to Tim Broun for hipping me to this.
ou can hear mine here: http://stupefaction.muxtape.com/
I'm going to check out Jason's right now!
Nice one JG:
That Schla La Las cut (which comes via the feisty little Dogbox label out of the UK), in addition to being a great raving rocker, contains what's surely one of my favorite couplets of recent times:
'You'll see us down in our favorite bar/drinking whiskey sours with Johnny Marr!'
ML Heath, San Francisco
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