His chrome dome may not make him look like bar band hero but
Pat Todd makes droolin', fired-up rock'n'roll. After leading the Lazy Cowgirls for two decades, he's set off on his own with 2006's
Outskirts of Your Heart and now
Holdin' Onto Trouble's Hand. Not since the Replacements or the Pontiac Brothers (or maybe Jesse Malin) can I remember hearing such natural, fun-lovin', proudly scruffy rock music. 20 shots of it on one album (or what would have been considered a double album long ago) might seem like a lot but with Todd, it's just sweet excess and he's canny enough to trick things up with some Americana, just so you can catch your breath.
CD Baby offers his latest album for $11 and it's sure as hell a worthy investment even if his own copy about
Exile on Main St and the Ramones doesn't capture his sound.
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